Instruction for Paper Submission
- Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers, which have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration in another journal, conference or workshop.
- Original research papers should be submitted as per the conference paper template (given below), not exceeding six A4 size pages and paper should be uploaded through Microsoft CMT.
- There will be a double blind review of the paper. The paper must include an abstract of about 150 words and a maximum of five keywords. Authors of the accepted papers will be informed by email. Information about necessary revisions will be communicated to the corresponding author through email. The author(s) will have to incorporate the suggestions and will have to send the revised camera ready copy of the paper in the given time limit.
- Please find the Template and author guidelines.
- Use US Letter size in the case of MS Doc.
ICOFE Review Process
The ICOFE has a double-blind peer-review process. Any paper submitted for the conference is reviewed by minimum three reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. Based on the reviewers’ comments, papers are accepted, rejected or accepted with revision.
Author Ethics
Following ethical guidelines is required in scientific publishing. Understand SSRN Elsevier publishing guidelines and concepts to ensure ethical requirements are met. Learn about authorship, how to cite sources appropriately, plagiarism, how to report your data accurately, and the importance of publishing original research.
Inappropriate Use of Citations
Citing an irrelevant source for the purpose of artificially inflating citation metrics is considered a breach of ethics. Only cite relevant sources that legitimately contribute to your paper according to the criteria outlined above.